Monday, August 8, 2011

Did you Watch the Throne for nothing?????


The two greatest rappers alive Jay Z and Kanye collabed on an album "Watch the Throne that was released today August 8, 2011!!! And I must say that Im not feeling this album whatsoever!!! It started with the buzz on fb and twitter that the album wasn't great. But I never listen to others until I listen for myself and I have to agree it is a mess at its finest!!! I am sooo shocked that these two rappers who does magnificent jobs on their own could collab and get an album like this. I waited for this album like everyone else and now Im sad because it is not at all what I expected!!! I must admit there are four great songs on there but thats not enough for men of thier rapping talents. I hope this is a joke!!!

They are also going on tour that will hit ATL on Oct 29th that I was so amped about going to for my birthday. Ummmmm not anymore. I refuse to waste $150 on this garbage!!!I love Kanye and Jay but it is what it is and I would be ashamed!!!Let's just see it this album affects any album sales which a part of me kind of doubts because it is JayZ and Kanye West!!! The only thing I have left to say is don't collab anymore guys because it doesn't work for you two!!!Stay on your solo dolo PLEASE!!!!! Btw thnk you guys for ruining my bday surprise with this amatuer album!!! If I had to rate this album on a scale of 1-5 I would give it a 2 honestly!!!!

The songs to listen for!!!
1.N*ggas in Paris
3.Who gone Stop me

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Ochocinco gives Evelyn the dueces!!!!Now shes the NMFF!!!!!!!


It is rumored that Chad "Ochocinco" broke up with his recent fiance Evely Lozada who is one of the cast memebers of the hit reality show "Basketball Wives". It is said that the split was because the producers of Baskeball Wives wanted to push a wedding this season and he just wasn't ready for all that. Well Evelyn Karma is really a B*%ch huh???

My opinion on this is I knew they were both doing this to be tabloid whores!!!Who would honestly want to wife someone that is known to the world as a homewrecking whore????? Ocho smashed on the first night and she took him serious about marriage and kids? Smh at her!!!!!Another thing is he has how may kids and how many baby mothers??????? And he has not married not one of those. So ummm yea Evelyn the clues where there but I'm sure all you saw where dollar signs. I don't feel a least bit bad for her because Im sure she will be on a new athletes nuts soon. I just want Evelyn to answer me this!!! WHO'S THE NONE MOTHERFUCKIN FACTOR NOW BITCH????????LMAO!!!!!! And to Ocho I hope you didn't get this woman pregnant with your twins, because if you did I hope you know her money hungry ass will be after you with child support. And with all the kids you have I seriously doubt you would want that!!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Kelly Price comes back with a new single"Tired"!!!Ladies if your TIRED, then this is your Anthem


Kelly Price has been off the scenes for a while doing projects like gospel, and gospel plays. She's back in the R&B world now. And I must say she came back full throttle and with a bang with this new song "Tired". which was featured in Tyler Perry's new film "Madea's Big Happy Family". Tired expresses all the drama women go through in relationships. From baby mama drama, to going to court cases, or to even just getting done wrong period.

Kelly expressed that R. Kelly helped her with the song and told her that she needed this come back. She stated that the inspiration from this came from life. From looking around at the world and people are tired. She says she hopes that people will hear this song and and do something about being tired!!!!

I must agree I love this song and decided to blog this for that same reason. I have friends, myself included who are going through or have gone through things that we are tired of in these relationships. This song touched every aspect in my life and I have never heard a song that I could relate to from start to finish like this song. It really touched me and it did make me wanna do something about it. So Im writing this. Ladies, all ladies!!! In words of Beyonce We kinda do run the world. Life comes from us.Without us the there would be no world. So we need to realized that and stop staying in situations or relationship that makes us feel less than what we really are. Beacause every woman is beatiful and deserve the best. Remember that ladies. If he can't treat you right you don't need him no matter the cirumstance!!! I will post the song below!!Hope you guys enjoy and take some insipiration from both the blog and song!!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Is Rihanna's new video"Man Down" sending young females a bad message?


Rihanna released her new video from her new single entitled "Man Down" on 106&Park Tuesday. The video hit the airwaves of course and started quite a bit of contraversy with the Parental Control Council. They feel that Rihanna who was recently battered by ex boyfried Chris Brown was sending the wrong message to young girls. In the video Rihanna guns down a man who seem to assult her in front of a huge crowd. The Parental Control Council feels that this message is telling young girls (who have been raped, or assulted in any way)that they have the right to gun down the person who harmed them.

Now I don't totally disagree with them, but what I don't get is how is it ok for rappers,actors,directors,and producers to rap or produce such scenes? Kids see this kind of stuff on the news and in movies. So if they want to ban something they should start with some of the stuff they put on tv. Rihanna is not the only person who has ever talked about gunning someone down or being violent in a song/video. Was it ok for Jazmine Sullivan to bust windows?Is it ok for Tyler Perry to say some of the things in his movies because he's Madea? She pulled out fire arms, drove cars into resturants,beat children,and smoked weed. Madea has done it all but parents aren't concerned when their kids are watching that. To ban this video would be foolish. Maybe if they censor out the gun, but as far as her sending a bad message to young girls today. She is not the only one!!!
Check for video below!!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Harold Camping:False Prophet vs Scam Artist!!! Where is he now???


As we all know Harold Camping predicted that the world would end on Saturday May 21,2011. And as we all know that did not happen. We are all here and breathing. The biggest thing I don't understand is how he got all of his followers to follow him and give up their families, houses,jobs, and money. Now if we look closely at the word occult it is when someone convinces you of a belief to the point where you give up everything to follow the leader who brainwashed you with false biblical beliefs. Now some would say that he is a false prophet. I would say so to a certain extent. He did use the bible to predict Judgement Day he claims. He used a mathimatical theory to come to this assumption. Now I had a few people argue with me by saying they didnt believe Noah either. My thing with that is Noah heard a voice from the Lord but still wasn't given a specific day of which the world would end. He also didn't use Math to predict it either.

I am honestly shocked at some of these people. It clearly states in the bible that not even Jesus knows when he will return. It also warns us of false prophecies of his comming. But yet people fell for it. How did this man have so much mind control over all of these people. Even people who didnt follow him still thought of some truth to his prediction. And I must say that is just pure ignorance of your knowledge of the bible and some of you should really be ashamed!!!!! I saw people posted outside of churches in a tent for days waiting for the Lord to come, and that is just sad!!! To decieve people that way. His followers lost everything listining to this man.

People waiting on the Lord

By reading other blogs and other peoples comments on this whole thing I see alot of people don't really have sympathy for those who gave up everything and to a certain degree I have to agree. I mean these are grown adults here. They should have known better than to give up everything to a man who has predicted the same scenario a few times before. I understand that the poor people were brainwashed. But I believe if you truly are christian and know the Lord and your bible you wouldn't fall for such foolishness!!

In all honesty I don't believe Camping is a false prophet. I believe he is a scam artist. He has done this before. Made millions off of this before. If he truly believed the world was going to end He would have invested all of his money into this instead of only putting up half of it! I honestly feel he conjured this whole thing up just to take these people's money. Mighty funny he is nowhere to be found right now!!If anyone ever finds out where he is I feel he should go to jail for some kind of fraud. He took lives away, and possibly turned alot of people against God. He should be punished here on earth and in HELL!!!!!

Only thing left to say now is Im truly sorry to the people who lost everything following this idiot,but always trust GOD and his word before you ever trust man. Because the only place man can lead you is to hell never heaven!!!This is a great example of not being able to contrast reality from religion. It's fine to be religious and go all out for what you believe in. But when you start investing things in reality (money,families,and houses)because of your religion then you are not thinking clearly. Any man who tells you you have to give up those thing is not of God!!!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Lisa Raye Channels inner character Diamond by Dragging Stay Dash by her hair?


According to Mediatakeout and a few sites the ISH hit the fan between beautiful actress Lisa Raye and Stacy Dash who are both 45 yrs old. An insider snitched and gave a bit of the story so this is what allegedly went down. Lisa Raye and Stacy Dash are doing what I assume a reality show called "Single Ladies". Which will premier on VH1 and is produced by Queen Latifa! Apparently they were shooting a scene at a dinner party where everyone was dressed for the occassion in cocktail attire!! Stacy Dash was making disrespctful comments regarding Lisa Raye and I guess thats when Lisa Raye channeled her inner Diamond and went HAM on Stacy Dash. The insiders say that Lisa Raye snatched Stacy Dash by the hair and drug her good!!! Stacey of course frightened ran out screaming in her excellent Louboutin's said an inside snitch.

I honestly love both women and I think they are great actresses. I honestly think this could have been handled with a nice chump off, but it is a reality show and they need those ratings. And it also depends on what was said. If Stacy said something too far then Lisa Raye should have drug her ass lol. I can't say Im on anyones side here. But I am a big Lisa Raye fan. I do have one thing to say to Stacy though. Stacy, Stacy, Stacy, If your going to talk sh*t make sure you know how to back it up. Especially with people who aren't as hmmmm bougie as you are. Lisa Raye has had hard times and she is from Chicago. She's not goin to let you get away with saying anything. I bet now you will think twice before running that mouth.
I so can't wait to see the show to see what really went down. I wonder what Queen Latifa was thinking. Yall know she don't like drama!!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Premier of Nicki Minaj's Super Bass Video!!!!


For all my Nicki Minaj Barbie's and Ken's, Nicki premiered her new video Super Bass last night on 106 and Park. And of course I have the video here for you guys to check out. I am going to be honest I was never really a super bass lover but the song is ok. It's not horrible just not my favorite on the album. Although I must say the video is very excellent and you must check it out!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Love and Hip Hop: Olivia vs. Somaya Reece


Im sure you guys have been keeping up with what has been going on, on the hit show "Love and Hip Hop" Therefore I know you guys know about the beef between Somaya Reece and Olivia. Now Somaya blames Olivia for giving Chrissy the address to the resturant they were at when Jim Jonez came in to handle Somaya's manager for being disrespectful to Chrissy. Now from what I saw on the show I don't think Olivia knew that Chrissy wasn't comming to meet her and it was Jim honestly. So in that case, No Somaya, Olivia did not put your life in danger. Your idiot manager did for running his mouth. She also claimed that Olivia ran when she confronted her, but if your an adult and not a cast memeber of THE BAD GIRLS CLUB. Then who in their right mind will stand there and listen to someone talk sh*t to them in a public place really? I don't think Olivia was scared she was just being grown about the situation and protecting her image.

Throughout the remaing episodes of the show Olivia has really kept to herself and has only dealt with Chrissy. So Somaya takes it upon herself to do a web interview talking mad rubbish about Olivia. Stating that doing the interview bashing Olivia would make Olivia relevant again. Wow!!!!
In my opinion Somaya needs all the help she can get to get relevant. So of course can we all say PUBLICITY STUNT!!!!And even that didn't help her career. It's mighty funny that Jim Jonez didn't want to do your song but called Olivia in to get on a track on his new albumn. So Somaya sweetie YOUR NOT HOT. The only thing hot on you is your face and maybe your body but even I have seen hotter bodies!! You can't rap you talk. The only good part in your song is the auto tuned singing and XO thats it. You have no talent! I don't even think you have the skills to even make it into being a 1 hit wonder boo!!! My advice to Somaya Reece is to STOP IT!!!! STOP IT NOW!!!!!At least Olivia can sing. She has a talent that will make her. So all you need to do is focus on getting better rapping skills or something because its a mess honestly. Stick to modeling baby girl and save the hip hop industry for people who have the talent to do it!!!!

I have Somaya's video and Olivia's Video! Who do you think will really make it? Be honest!!!!

Olivia December

Somaya Reece Would you still love me

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Is Rocko's song "How could you be mad" a subliminal message regarding Monica????


I was listening to Rocko's latest mixtape entitled "Rocko Denero"which is very excellent by the way, and I stumbled upon a song call "How could you be mad"? Now I have heard people mention this song so I was all for it when it played on Ria's pod lol. The people that had told me about this song told me to listen to the lyrics carefully and asked if I thought he was referring to Monica in the first verse. Hmmmmm!!!!Well I listen to the lyrics repeatedly and then I begin to think.

Now those of you who don't know maybe about a year and a half ago after the season of Monica's reality show "Still Standing" Rocko and Monica broke up because of a jump off that was calling and harrassing Monica over Rocko. Doing what groupie hoes do and spilt the beans on her and Rocko's relationship. After that incident they called it quits. I have to admit I wasn't too shocked about this I mean come on I just didn't see a great connection between them. Besides he's a rapper and he's a man. I don't put it past any rapper to cheat point blank period. But I was kinda mad at him for the whole situation I love Monica she seems like a sweet girl. That was until I heard what I think is Rocko's side in the song. I am going to post the song but let me give you main idea of whats going on here.

In the song Rocko says that when they met he had a girl but she didn't care she wanted him anyway. So when she got him she was acting brand new about his lifestyle when she already knew how he was. I honestly have to be the woman that agrees if this is true. Ladies if you know how a man is you can't change them and you can't act suprised when he does things to you that he has done to someone else for you. So if she really knew how he was then what do you expect? I am not saying that what went down is acceptable though. I would be hurt and feel betrayed if a woman was calling and harrassing me about the father of my kids. Another thing is karma is really a bitch!Know that people. I believe Rocko on this one part of the song,when he said she took him from another girl when they met. Because according to mediatakeout a while back. She supposedly took her husband Shannon Brown from the Mother of his child. If thats the case I have one thing to say to Monica. Homewrecking is not cool and you know how if feels now to be left so why do it to someone else?

With all of that being said I believe both parties are responsible for the relationship going sour. I just felt I should write this blog because the song gave me another out look on Rocko. All I see in him is Real and I can't say that about too many people. I honestly love both Monica and Rocko and Im happy that Monica is happy. I wish them both the best and much success.
Check out the song below!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Soulja Boy Brings the 1992 hit movie Juice to Atlanta!

I have been hearing rumors fly around Atlanta lately that Soulja Boy will be starring in the 1992 hit movie Juice, and he landed the role as Bishop. Bishop is the main character who was originally played by 2pac. The movie will also be shot in Atlanta as well. Now I know Soulja Boy has a mixtape thats coming out called "Juice" but after making the statement of showing us his acting chops. I assume he is makin a movie!!!! see below!!
("Basically, it’s your boy Soulja and I’m Bishop in 2011, running around in the streets, man. You know how the movie goes, but we’re flipping it and shooting in Atlanta. I want to show these people my acting side and me being creative—always giving them something new; that’s all. I got same video director that shot “Crank That,” “Kiss Me Through The Phone,” “Turn My Swag On” —my most successful videos. The whole mixtape is the soundtrack for the movie.")

What I think about this?: I'm honestly not sure how this will play out. Especially with Soulja Boy playing Bishop. For one I think that changing the scene from being in New Jersy to bein in Atl will change the characters some what. People up North have a total different mentality/society than the south. Like the bad boys/ dope boys/ thugs are totally different. So I honestly feel to make the movie as good as the last one is to try to match the original scene as much as possible. I feel that if they want to make Juice they should consider other actors because I just don't see Soulja boy being up to par to play Bishop because 2Pac did it very well!! So it is going to be very hard to top that! Now maybe I am totally wrong. Maybe they can pull this one off. All we can do is wait and see!!! So my question is Do you think Soulja Boy can pull off the role of Bishop?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Jermaine Dupri and Da Brat comes back and Kills the remix to "Look at me now"!!!!

As we all know Da Brat and Jermaine Dupri has been off of the music scene for a minute. Da Brat who has been realeased from prison recently made me very proud on how she ripped the beat and killed her verse on the "Look at me now" remix which was originally Chris Browns song. I love this song I think its hot. And Im so proud to see the original rappers of Atl standing up and proving that they haven't lost their touch!!!!!
Check below for the official Look at me now remix. Soso def version!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Braxtons: Does Tamar deserve a record deal?

Lastnight the premiere of the Braxton Family Values came on WE TV. On the show Toni and her sisters go to Bermuda for a performance to help promote and raise money for autism since Toni's oldest son is artistic. After watching this I assumed the rumors of Bermuda bringing bad karma is true because as soon as Toni and her sisters arrived there the ish hit the fan. Her sister Tamar had a big problem singing backup for Toni and her other sister Traci is mad because Toni didn't ask her to sing backup for her. Now this is going to start major drama in the show and the two sisters have it out about this.

Now I'm goin to be honest by saying Tamar is a major hater.com lol. All she does is complain about singing background and how much money she has only because of her husband of course. See Tamar married Toni's manager who also has a record label. If Tamar could really make it in the music world she would be there by now. But I honestly don't think this woman will ever make it. She can sing here butt off I give her that, but her attitude will always be a major issue. Even her own husband told her she doesn't listen, and you must listen if you want to make it in the biz. Tamar's husband admitted to giving her a contract for his label but Tamar won't sign it because she wants the contract to state that she would be out in a year. To me that sounds a little reasonable, but her husband made a good point. You shouldn't put yourself out in a year because that's honestly not a good way to make a hit albums. As we saw from Monica, Fantasia, and Kandi from there shows. They sat there until all of their songs were his. So to get the best music, the best songs and the best producers you have to work longer than a year.

So if you really wanna make it Tamar then listen to your husband. You brag about who he is and all the artist he works with then obviously he knows what he's doing. You can not get anywhere hating on your sister like that. Its too much ,that is your sister. Get it together hunny because im really not feeling you on the show. Just because your sister is Toni Braxton, and your husband is soo big In the music industry (which is why you probably married him anyway) does not me they or anyone else owes you s%*t. Go out there and work hard for it like everybody else. That is all.
I normally would have a clip up but I couldn't find one. So you guys gotta watch for yourself. It is a great show all in all!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Celebrity Apprentice: Dionne calls Nene a Coward. Do you agree???

Last night on the Celebrity Apprentice things got a little out of hand for the ladies who has lost yet another challenge. Although they didn't lose by many points the point of the show is someone has to go. The Ladies all agreed that NeNe was a great project manager but they just weren't able to gel like the guys are. The challenge was to make an commercial for ACN advertising their new brand A video phone.

Since someone had to go home Mr. Trump asked who they thought was the weakest link and a few said Dionne Warwick was.Why you may ask? Because Dionne takes the fact that she is old and a so called Legacy to her advantage. Since there was nothing for Dionne to do while they were finishing up the commerical she decided that since she was a Legacy it was her right to go home and get in the bed. So so left and Nene as project manager said nothing. But in all honesty what can Nene say? No you can't go home? It is a free country so she couldn't force her to stay. Meanwhile when judgement comes Dionne plays the victim as if people are attacking her to Mr. Trump. She basically told him to send her home, and denied the fact that she just left without permission. When I say without permission I mean she told her she was leaving she didn't ask her to leave. Who does that?She could have fought to stay but she didn't and when she left the building she called Nene a coward. How the hell is Nene a coward? A coward would have said nothing in front of the man who holds their career in his hands. A coward wouldn't have spoken her mind in the room in front of all those people. And A coward would definately not tell the boss you are not a team player in your face. But a coward will lie about the things they do. A coward will always play the victim. A coward will always use their accomplishments or Legacys as a crutch to get out of doing something they don't want to do. Cowards quit and that's exactly what you did Dionne. So the only Coward I see on the show is you.

I am not the least bit sad that Dionne left. I couldn't wait for her to go. She was basically a waste of space. I would've sent her home after the first episode when she didn't know how to use the credit card machine. Don't get me wrong I respect my elders which is why I was hesitant to blog this. But I can't respect an elder like her. I will post a clip from the show lastnight. What do you guys think? Who's the Coward in this situation??

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Who Was Really Wrong Here? Robin Roberts or Chris Brown???


Ok so I wasn't going to speak on this, but since people still haven't let this incident go I figured hey, why not speak on it? I'm sure you all are aware of the whole GMA interview Chris Brown went HAM on. If you don't then you must live under a rock but I will fill you in anyway. On March 22, 2011 Chris Brown did an interview with GMA(Good Morning America). He was there to promote his new album "FAME", but instead he was repeatedly asked about the Rihanna incident. Even after he avoided the question and brought it back to promoting his album "Robin Roberts" continued to bagger him with the question. After that he was so full of rage that he went back stage and went HAM. Now in ATL going HAM means he went crazy. He smashed windows, ripped off his shirt, and busted out of there shirtless where the cops later arrested him for this scene.

Now whenever you do an interview with someone the person you are interviewing approves the questions that would be asked. Well according to Chris he never approved any of those Rihanna questions. Which he stated on BET's 106 & Park along with an apology. Ok now guys lets be real with ourselves. I know most of you guys are holding a grudge on Chris because of the Rihanna thing. Which is very understandable, but I think we fail to realize that it was two people who ended up with some sort of assult that night. Rihanna has stated that she too had some part into what happened so why must we all blame Chris for this? This was damn near 3 yrs ago. Is he beating Rihanna now? Is he beating his new gf? Has he gotten arrested in the past 2 years for assult on anyone? Has he gotten arrested for anything other than his temper? Any drug charges? Rape charges?Anything that these other celebrities has done plenty of times to get this much hate? Don't get me wrong Im not codoning or saying what he did was not a big deal because beating a woman is a very big deal. My main point is let this go people. Let this man get back on his feet. Why drag him down when he gets back up? I honestly don't believe Chris approved any questions reguarding Rihanna. Why the hell would he do that knowing he was going to get pissed. I do blame Robin Roberts for the whole thing because if she could've just kept it to the album like he asked her two times then none of this would have ever happened. She provoked him and who ever don't like it I don't care because I see through this BS!!!! I wouldn't be suprised if someone paid her to do this to ruin him.

That's pretty much all I have to say about this and hopefully the subject will be done by next week. I pray for Chris Brown and I feel maybe he needs to get a life coach or therapist of some sort to help him guide all this anger. Him going HAM was unneccessary but I can't say I don't feel why he got mad. He worked hard on an album and tried to promote it and all you wanna talk about is something that happened 30 yrs ago smh!!!! Btw I didn't like that whole thing that went down with Willow Smith regarding this. Come on teambrezzy she is a child, who curses at 9 yr olds? As for Willow I'ma tell you something my mom always told me "Stay in a childs place" I'm sure fans aren't looking at Chris as a grown man because we still associate him with being the 16 yr old we all know, but he's not. He's a grown man and your 9. Im sure you can't even phathom what went on with him or Rhianna.What were you like 5? Anyway Im posting the link of the interview so check it out!!!!Do you agree? Was Robin Roberts baggering Chris???

Monday, March 7, 2011

Love and Hip Hop:Hot or Not???

Lastnight VH1 decided to give us a sneak peak of their new Reality Show entitltled "Love and Hip Hop". The show is like all the other Wive's show. It shows the real life issues of women who are in relationships with people in the hip hop industry. Unlike the Basketball Wives and Football Wives these girls seem to be a bit more Naive. It seems that the athlete wives are aware and can admit that their men are cheating and have jumpoffs, but these women are in denial and oblivious to the fact that their men are cheating and treat them like s**t. I will explain and break these girls down to you one by one. Here we go!!!!

Chrissy: Is the girlfriend of rapper Jim Jonez. This woman is off the hook. When I see her I think of a jealous girlfriend who should have prepared herself for this lifestyle knowing that he is a rapper and that he will have groupies. It really turned me off how she harrassess women who come into contact with Jim like WTF???? Who does this??? If you have to do all of that Chrissy then you need to just leave that man and find someone else, because obviously you can't deal with this life style. Another thing she did that turned me off was asking him to marry here. Like WTF??? If he wants you then he will propose. You look desperate and psycho as hell asking this man that after the way you act out in public and how he treats you. All I can do is smh at you Chrissy!!!!This is not how anyones wife is suppose to act. I can see if he was hot and had money but he's a broke bum. Come on honey do better. Go fight over a man with something better to offer you. Stop settling for the bs. Oan if you think your hotter than Somaya then ur on drugs!!!!!!!

Oliva: You may know her from G unit. She did the Candy shop and Bestfriend song with 50cent. She is on the show trying to make another album. I love Olivia she's very pretty and has a great voice. She's my favorite one of the show so far. I wish her well on her up and comming album.

Somya: Is a latin rapper who blew up off of myspace. Her role on the show is colaberating on a song with rapper Jim Jonez. Of course Chrissy hates this girl for no reason because all the woman wants to do is make a hit. From what I have heard on the show I don't personally like what Im hearing from her song wise. Maybe it was that one song but I will check her out on myspace and later on in the show to see if she can change my mind. Either way for now she seems cool to me. Just another female rapper out here trying to make it.

Mashonda: Is the ex wife of Swiss beats. She really isn't a main cast memeber she just hops in and out of the show because she is a friend of Emily. Fabulous's baby's mom. I like Mashonda. She has a little talk with Emily about her relationship with fab. With that she explained a little on how she felt about Swiss and Alicia Keys. That made me feel sooo sorry for her. I love you Mashonda, you too are one of my favs on the show. Keep your head up mama!!!!!

Emily: Is the baby mother of rapper Fabulous. I don't know if I like Emily because she is an absolute idiot. She expressed on the show that her and Fab have been together for a minute and they have a son. She is also his perosonal stylist. Thing is she says Fab never addresses her presences. He won't even let her walk on the Red carpet with him. He never mentions here and no one knows here. They know that Fab has a child but not with who. So basically he makes her feel like a nobody, but she wants this though. She may even like it. If she didn't then she wouldn't allow this to happen. Ain't know way in hell will I have a child with a man and he doesn't even acknowledge me as the mother of his child. I honestly think this girl is insecure and doesn't love herself because a person who did love themselves wouldn't live this way. She needs to go get some psychiatric help with this. Because if she keeps this up she will be leading down a road of a harsh reality check that she won't be able to handle. I do feel sorry for her but only she can get herself out of this. I pray for you Emily!!!!

In my honest opinon this show is ok. Chrissy is just a little too much for the show. I mean I'm not that impressed!!!When I think of love and hip hop I would think you would put people in the music industry on there that still mattered today. That would have made it hotter. So is this show hot or not. Well it was a sneak peak and I have to view the whole season before I make a decision, but for now. I would say this show is a NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Step it up nxt season with rappers who are climbing the charts now you know like Tiny and Toya!!!!I mean that show wasn't so hot either but TI and Lil Wayne are still relevant to the game today feel me????

Basketball Wives Season Finale Smack Down: Evelyn vs Tami, who's side are you on?

Lastnight the season finale of Basketball Wives premiered on VH1. The show mainly focused on Evelyn and Ocho Cinco's Little sexcapade weekend and the highlight of the show was when Evelyn and Tami got into a fight at Jennifer's birthday party. Evelyn felt bad after a long speach Tami gave her expressing how she valued their friendship and how she looked up to Evelyn. When Tami went to the bathroom Evelyn told Shaunie that in the 90's before she ever met Tami she dated her husband and she felt quilty and couldnt take it anymore. Shaunie told her she needed to talk to Tami. When she did her and Tami got into a heated arguement that lead to a fight when Evelyn told Tami that she didn't matter in that marriage.

In my opinion if Evelyn didn't know Tami while she was with her husband and it was so long ago then why does it matter. I also understand where Tami was comming from. If Evelyn knew what she did and felt she needed to come clean then she should have done that when she first met Tami. That is kinda fake of her to know she slept with Tami's husband this whole time and went out to dinner, town, and parting with this lady knowing what you did. So yes Evelyn you are foul for that one, and even more foul to not care enough that you hurt this womans feelings by not telling her the deal up front, then you taunt her by telling her she was a non factor in that marriage. That is so disrespectful Ev. And that makes me think you have no shame or even care about what you did. Yes Tami should've beat your a** the way she did. She had every right too. I feel both sides of the story, but it's kinda hard to side with Evelyn bc what she did was f'ed up. Ladies you better watch thes hoes/jumpoffs out here. They don't care about no one but themselves!!!!!Who's side are you guys on? Who was totally wrong in this situation? I have a clip of the nonesense right here. Check it out!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Kim K's New single"Jam"(Turn it up)The song that makes you wanna turn it down!!!

Kim Kardashian does it again. Wha,t you may ask? Well she's doing her attention whore thing that she does. Has this girl ever heard that too much attention is not a good look? Eventually people are not going to want to see you everywhere, and I'm sure just as much as I'm tired of it alot of people are. Kim released her single "Jam" Produced by the dream at her New Years Eve Party at this club called "Tao". I must say that this song is a mess. This song is a mess to the point that it pisses me off. This girl can not sing even with auto-tune. The Dream is a fool for even wasting his time entertaining her because she sounds a mess. Nice beat but a mess of a voice.I mean I thought she was Cassie for a minute. I read a comment someone wrote about the song and they said Kim Zolziack is no longer the worst singer Kim Kardashian is. I agree. I mean this girl needs to go find Kandi to boost her up to even at least Kim Zolziack standards. Although you may think that is not much. As soon as you here this girl embarrass herself by singing you would give Kim Zolziack a Grammy. How do people like this just up and play with music like that. The industry has their idea of music f**ked up. They need to get on it before more than hip hop becomes dead. I understand new genres and different styles,but thats for people with some talent. When you give people like Kim K and Kim Z record deals knowing they can't sing is a big slap in the face to all the people who are great vocalist but can't make it because the industry is full of this baphoonery!!!!!!!!! Lets stop slapping the people who paved the road for Hip hop, R&B, Jazz, Rap, and Blues by playing around with music they created. Get it together People and start showing us some real entertainment.

Words for Kim K just stick to doing your little shoe line, shows, red carpets, baseball, basketball,football,rappers, and actors. That seems to be getting you enough attention hun. Lets not make a mockery out of music! So unattractive!!!!To my fans and loyal readers you may here the song below

Saturday, February 26, 2011

RiRi and CiCi have it out on twitter???

I must say that twitter is the facebook for the celebs. It seems as though everytime you turn around a celeb is beefing on twitter smh!!!!Apparently Rihanna became a little offended when Ciara guest starred on The Fashion Police show on E! They were giving a critique on Rihanna's Christion Dior couture Gown she wore. When asked by Joan Rivers what Ciara thought of the dress she completly went left field responding about a party that she ran into Rihanna in and Rihanna wasn't a pleasant person. In reply Joan Rivers was like O a B*%ch!!!In reply Ciara just laughed it off. Rihanna got wind of this and retaliated of all places on twitter. She twitted all kinds of things like Ciara is a striper, she thinks shes gangsta. Just alot of lame wack, childish things if you asked me.
This dress should have been finished with some purple or yellow shoes,but thats just me!!!

Now according to mediatakeout and a few other sites Ciara is said to be one of Labron Jame's jump offs. Now that does make sense since she is La La's bff and aren't Labron and Carmello cool? Anyway Jay Z and Labron threw a party that night that Ciara is referring to. Rihanna was there and a few other celebs as well. Ciara was trying to get into the VIP of the party with Rihanna, Savannah(Labron's Fiance)Jay Z ect. ect. and Rihanna and a few other people dissed Ciara at the entrance and basically didn't let her in the party. Now I would have to agree if some sneaky, freaky things are going down between Cici and Labron and Savannah was there. I could see why Rihanna did what she did at the party. But what I am not understanding is Why take it to twitter Rihanna??Why didn't you just pull Ciara to the side that night and let her know that you didn't think it was right for her to be there. Don't be her friend then diss her the way you did. As if you have never played the role of jump off in your day! That was really messed up. I honestly don't think Ciara said what she said on E! in a bad way. She was mainly stating that you were not a friendly person and she is not the only person in the world who has said this. She didn't call you the B*%ch Joan Rivers did so why just address Ciara. Another thing that really had me on this was you calling her a stripper. How is she a stripper? Because she can dance? So what were you doing on your "What's my name Dance routine? You know the one you seem to perform at every award show. The one when your gyrating on Drake as if you were a stripper giving a private lap dance. Or maybe when you were doing the little Beyonce vajay jay gyrate like a stripper. Lets not forget the random lingerie/ nude pic's of you hitting the web. So let's not throw stones while living in a glass house.

I would think that all that Rihanna has been through she would be a better person and not so petty. I mean Ciara really didn't say it in a bad way!!!I don't see a really nice person in Rihanna. Just something about her that I don't like. I never really cared for Ciara either but she is a much more humble person. She's also from the A and I stand up for the A sorry!!!!! I will post the clip of the Fashion Police Show so you can decide!!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Royce losses everything due to tweeting???Haaaaa!!!!!!!

PhotobucketAs you all may or may not know Royce from the hit reality show "Basketball Wives"is the baby mother of Dwight Howard. Her and Dwight had a legal agreement. Royce is not able to mention Dwights name or say anything bad about him. She is not even allowed to mention or show off their son in public. Due to Royce's Fresh mouth during this season of "Basketball wives" and tweeting pictures of their son. Royce got all her assets frozen and her car got repo'd by Dwight due to their Legal argreement. Therefore Royce is left with nothing but her house. Smh things haven't been going to well for Royce lately. First the Drama with her messing around with Shaunie's man and being replaced on the up and coming season of "Basketball wives" I would think she would learn to sit her a** down. I guess not!!!!Maybe she will now!!!!

I must say I don't feel the least bit sad about this. I mean I never really liked Royce. She is so whiney and two faced. Lord knows I hate a whiney a** grown woman. I won't say I was hoping something bad would happen to Royce, but I did hope she would get a nice reality check one day. You know something to humble her up a little. Well this should do it. If not she should try someones CHURCH!!!!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Kanye's "All of the lights" video causes seizures and gets pulled??!!!!!!!!!

Kanye released his video "All of the lights" from his latest album "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy". It is said that from All of the lights the video is a hazard to people with photosensitive epilepsy. Which is a disease that causes seizures due to excessive light!!! A few people called complaining of the problem because a few people did have seizures due to this video. You tube did take the video down as well as a few other online sites. They have resently put it back up with a warining explaining the harm of the video to viewers. Of course I will post the video for you guys because this is my favorite song off of the album. I must admit the video is very bright and flashy and it may hurt your eyes or give you a headache. Beware!!!! If you have PHOTOSENSITIVE EPILEPSY PLEASE!!!!!!!PLEASE!!!!!!DO NOT TUNE IN TO THIS VIDEO!!!!!THNKS!!!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Vivica,I Aint Sayin He's A Gold Digger, BUT...........

As we all know Vivica Foxx's man is about 20yrs younger than her and they have been dating for a minute at least a year. Slim which is his name was asked recently about their relationship and it is stated that he said "they have a personal and business relationship". He also stated that "He puts it down in her drawers and is taking it to the next level with a ring." Ummmm yea a ring that she bought herself because Im sure his Bum a** has no bread. That is obviously the only reason his young a** would dat a 46 yr old woman. Vivica hunny u need to leave this Bum on Planet Bum hun. He obviously doesn't respect you saying things like this. He showed how much he didn't respect you a while back when he was parading around Atlanta night clubs with different chicks. Yep I saw the Bum!!!! You can do so much better Viv. Get back with 50cent or something. Because this looser does you no justice. So be wise Vivica and let his a** go. If what he said about you and you guys relationship wasn't disrespectful enough. Then I don't know what is!!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

All-Star 2011, Plus Rihanna's Half Time Performance: Hot or not????

Last night the All-Star game was held at the Staple Center in Los Angeles, Ca. The West standing at 148 pts, and the East 143 pts. Winning by only 5 pts the West proved that they were #1 in basket ball. I of course was routing for the East being as I am from Atlanta,but the West did their thing so big ups to them for that. There were a few celebrity faces in the crowd including Keri Hilson, who performed with Bruno Mars during the pre show,Ciara, Diddy, Lenny Kravis who alson performed, Justin Bieber who won the MVP award during the celebrity All-Star game,Jay Z, Beyonce, Jermaine Dupri, Nick Cannon and many more. I will be posting some pics of the event along with a comment.

Keri Hilson perfoming with Bruno Mars

Rihanna did the half time show featuring Drake and Kanye. I have to say I don't think RiRi can sing live. She sounded a mess to me the entire time. Like a mess on Kim ZoLiack's level. I am just so tired of seeing her perform the same song. I felt like I just saw this performance last week on the Grammy's. Her hair and costume weres also a mess. I was expecting so much more and got so disappointed. I mean can I ask you guys a question? What was that on her head guys? Really? Was it a lace fron't with a weave ponytail in the back? Was it a bad weave? I just want to know? All I know is she should never do that again. The only good my bad tolerable part of Rihanna's performance was when Kanye graced us with his presence. I love the song "All of the lights", and Rihanna song that song decently. I guess because she was actually staying still while she was singing. So the question is was Rihannas performance hot or not??Ummm it was a Hot a** mess!!!!NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My favorite part was seeing Beyonce and Jay Z together last night at the game. With all of the drama said to be going on in their lives, I was glad to see that the rumors of the seperation may not be so true after all. We all should agree that they look happy. I don't know if you guys saw their faces on the screen after they were announced at the game. It was hilarious!!!! Those weren't the only couples that were my fav. I also enjoyed seeing Lala and Carmelo and Dwayne Wade and Gabrielle Union!! Pics of the lovely couples below!
Jayz and Beyonce
Lala and Carmelo
Dwayne and Gabrielle

Well that was the run down of the All-Star game. Looked like a weekend full of fun. It was a good game. If you have comments don't be afraid to leave them!!I love the feedback!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lil Kim's Black Friday Official video!!!!


Lil Kim finally released her video to the Nicki Minaj diss entitled "Black Friday". Now I have discussed the song before but it wasn't the whole song and the video is even more interesting. Add the two and you would have to agree how Hard this song and video is. Lil Kim went in on this one. I knew she would. She stayed quiet too long. I think we all forgot who Lil Kim was for a minute but with this song and video she gave us all a nice reality check.

In the video Lil Kim has a cameo of a Nicki Minaj look alike browsing all over Lil Kim old video's and pictures. I am assuming she is saying Nicki studied how she was and jacked her swagger. She also has a Lil Kim barbie and a Nicki barbie. The funny thing is the Nicki barbie's butt came off and the little girl playing with the doll started laughing. I don't know about you guys but I found it very hilarious. Kim also threw some pretty good shots out there to Nicki, Wayne, Diddy and Drake. Mostly all of young money!!!! When I say Kim went in Kim really went in and I loved it. Nicki is a great rapper but we must never forget who started the Nicki Minaj gimick and that was Kim. Kim is and will always be a beast on the Mic. So who will win in this beef???Who knows, but Lil Kim is a legend so lets not sleep on Kim!!!!
Check the official video!!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The top 5 WTF's at the 2011 Grammys

The 53rd Annual Grammy Awards premiered Sunday Night at 8pm. It was held at the Staple Center in Los Angeles. Now you know one of the favorite things to look forward too is what your fav celeb is wearing to the grammy's or how well the perform period. Well a few people wanted to hear what I had to say about the grammys. I am going to try to keep it as positive as I can, but real is real. If this was a homegirl I would probably tell her the same in this situation. Well here it goes my top 5 WTF'S at the Grammys!!!!
#5 Usher, Usher, Usher!!!!WTF is up with that hair? Who in the heck told you that mohawks were back in style because that was soooo 2007ish. Who whips that out for the grammys?And then it looked a little ummmmm what is the word not clean cut! Your beard/mustache or whatever just wasn't lined up enough to my liking. Leave the mohawk to Pooch Hall and Hosea Sanchez. Even they should let it go. Mohawks are played out plain and simple and if you are rocking one then #epicfail and smh at you!!!!

#4 The Arethata Franklin Tribute by Chistina Agulleria, Yolanda Adams, Jenifer Hudson, Florence Welch, and Martina McBride. This is a WTF to me because I really feel they sound a mess. They did not do Aretha any justice for a tribute. Christina, Jenifer, and Yolanda did a good job but I don't know why they put Martina and Florence there when Fantasia wanted to do the tribute, becase they just really demolished Aretha's hits!!!Btw doesn't Yolanda Adams sing gospel?So why was she even asked to sing Aretha's songs?Wouldn't that be against her religion?O well a hot mess is what is was and that is all I have to say on this!!!

#3 Nicki, Nicki, Nicki, Lord knows I love Nicki Minaj and I'm sure this crossed all of you guys mines but WTF is she wearing? And to the Grammys???I understand everyone is killing the HIGH FASHION GAME but I am begining to think they are going out of control and not even this is high fashion in Japan!!! She looks like someone's Cruella Devile who just attacked a family of lepords and decided to wear them as a fashion statement. Then she took hair inspirations from it as well as from Marg Simpson. I'm assuming she is the lepord safari barbie the simpsons edition lol!!!!

#2 Cee-lo has known to be a little extreme but this is too far even for him. Where is dressing like a colorful turkey is cool to wear during a performance at the Grammys?? I hated it and the perfomance. Kinda feeling the song though. This outfit is a WTF in itself. I need you guys to comment on this bc I have no more.

#1 Last but not least Lady Ga Ga of course. WTF is she wearing during this performance? Why does she have skin like horns comming out of her shoulders and her head? Is that what people normaly where to the Grammy's??This was beyond WTF to me. This is just plain disturbing. I pray for this woman!!!

That was my top 5 WTF's for the 2011 Grammys. As you can see alot has changed in the past few years. I don't even think they take the grammys as serious as it was. It's the grammys people, not a freak show!!! Lets be a little more classy and a little less clowny next year. Please and thank you!!!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

CiCi gets dropped!!!

As we all know Ciara hasn't been on top with her record sales for the past couple years. According to mediatakeout Jive Records has decided to drop Ciara from their label. Im sure Ciara won't be talking about this much. I mean would you???Maybe she should do a Nicki Minaj and focus on some mix tapes. Maybe that will make her hot again lol. I honestly don't know what made CiCi fall off the music charts.She should probably stick to modeling now!!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kirko Bangz

I was on livemixtapes.com checkin out some new mixtapes.Now I love music and I will check anyone out. You don't have to be Jay Z famous for me to blast your music.So I stumbled across an artist named Kirko Bangz. I must admit this is the first time I have ever heard of him, but I must admit that I love him.

Kirko Bangz is a 21 yr old rapper from Houston Texas who has recently signed to Warner Bro records.He is a junior at Prairie A&M University in Prairie,Texas.He has had a few songs as well as mix tapes that start dropping in 09. He dropped his smash hit that blazin the radios in Texas "What yo name iz" and hopefully it will be hitting Atlanta real soon.
Kirko Bangz reminds me of a mix of Common, Drake, and Wiz Khalif. His flows go hard and he is very forceful with his lyrics which I love!!!!!I support him and will probably be his #1 fan. Check him out below with his hit song "What yo name iz"!!!!!

One of Atl's hottest female rappers turned stripper???

I have been hearing some rumors and then I stumbled upon mediatakeout and saw that what I have been hearing may in fact may be true.Rapper Shawnna who is with Ludacris's recorded Label DTP is said to now be stripping her life away at a popular Atlanta Strip Club "Magic City".I won't know how true this is until I hear some more details or go see for myself, but it could be true. If so I guess her rapping career isn't going that great. She does have a nice body but if ur cakes or anything else isnt to perfection you can not work at magic city.Good luck Shawnna on whatever you do!!!I just have one question how does a good rapper turn stripper?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Introducing:Dead End Hip Hop

I have been given a great opportunity to blog a new hip hop website every week entitled "Dead End Hip Hop".It is a webisode that discusses hip hop, and not just our generation of hip hop but every generation of hip hop.Dead End Hip Hop.com was Created by Kennith Inge, and the core guys consist of B,Ken,Roderic and Ralph aka Feefo. They will be giving us coverage of the Atlanta's hip hop scenes. As well as conversations with different artist and producers in the game of hip hop.

The first webisode entitled "Dead End Hip Hop Conversations with 9th Wonder" aired Feb 2, 2011. In this webisode they had an interview with 9th Wonder and discussed all time greatest producers. 9th Wonder is indeed one of the greatest producers to me. He has produced for so many people including Drake, Jayz, Nas,Destiny's Child and many more. In the interview 9th Wonder discussed His music, Up and coming projects and what keeps him in the game. I think that was the part that I loved. When asked what keeps him on top and in the game he said his love for music and not his love for fame. That is the realest answer I have ever heard and I loved it. He's absolutly right. What is the point of being famous if you don't love what you are doing? Later in the webisode Kinge, Fefo, and B discussed the best producers.The main big thing was who is the best producer who came out of VA, Timbaland or Pharell? Well my answer is Timbaland sorry guys lol!!!I just love Timbaland. He produces great music. Just something about him. I loved what he did with Justin Timberlake, Keri Hison,and Brandy recently. I am not sayin Pharell is not as great because he is. Just if I had to choose it would be Timbaland.

I didn't want to give away to much of the show but it is a great show and a great concept and I love it!!!Big up to all of you guys and Im sure you guys will be the next Tom or Mark Zukerburg of Hip Hip lol. All of you must check out deadendhiphop.com every tuesday at 4pm. If you missed the show on tuesday I will post it for you guys!!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Though Atl's Housewives weren't on the level of the Other Houswives?Think again!!

I have had alot of disagreements with alot of people about the Houswives of Atlanta. Some people think that they are no where near as wealthy as the othe houswives in California, New York, and DC. Yes their actions aren't as well put together as the other houswives, but you should never judge a book by the cover.

I feel the Housewives of Atlanta really aren't given the credit that they deserve. Yes they are a bit childish and a few may lack a bit of class, but you have to respect these women. They are out there getting money on their own. Now I can't really speak for the other houswives on the other shows because I honestly don't watch them. But from what I have seen I do believe that the housewives of Beverly Hills, Orange County and the others married into wealth. Some of these women did not go out there, start a hustle to get their own money. They are spending their husbands money.

Take for instance. Kandi was a very well known music artist, she earned her money by singing in her late girl group xscape back in the 90's. She has written hit records and Albums for people like Alicia Keys, Pink, Pattie Labelle, Destiny's Child and others. Nene Has her show on 11 alive news, her book, and is going to be on this years apprentice with Donald Trump, Sheree is an Actress, Cynthia is a Model, Kim is a goldigger but she did make a hit song which made her money and Phaedra is a well know entertainment lawyer here in Atlanta. As you can see these ladies don't need to marry rich men to be successful. They did this on their own, and I feel that these ladies deserve the upmost respect for doing this by themselves.

To prove that the Atlanta houswives are just as equal as the others or maybe even better. I got the net worth profit for each woman via media takeout and celebritynetworth.com.

Kandi Burruss - 35 million
Phaedra Parks - 12 million
Nene Leak - 3.5 million
Kim Zolziack - 1.5 million
Sheree Whitfield - 50K
Cynthia Baily - 50k

As you can see these housewives aren't doing too bad but I am shocked at Sheree's networth. The way she acts I would think she was on Kandi's Level.
To all of you who thought the Houswives of Atl wasn't equal to the other housewives in Networth all I have to say is EAT THOSE APPLES!!!!Now STFU!!!!LOL!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Will and Willow Smith remakes the movie Annie!!!!

It is said that Will is working on producing a new movie. The 1982 classical movie Annie.Of course Willow Smith will be Annie, and Jay Z will be playing the role of Daddy Warbuck's body guard Punjab. Instead of Punjab being from India like the original version he will be from Brooklyn. I can't wait to see the colaborations in this movie. I'm sure there are alot of other famous actresses and actors/rappers in the movie as well. Can't wait to see who. I love Annie!!Good luck Will, Willow and Jigga!!!I ♥ this!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New Couple For The New Year:Rick Ross and Elise Neal

Actress Elise Neal, well known for her role in the Oscar nominated movie "Hustle and Flow" and actress on UPN's sitcome "All of Us" opposite Lisa Raye.Is now dating rapper Rick Ross. The new couple has been spotted on a few dinner dates in LA and have been looking quite cozy together. The couple is said to have met at the 2010 Soul Train Awards in Atlanta,Ga. I must admit. This is not a very attractive couple, and seem very odd together but if yall like it I love it!!!Congrats to the both of you!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Gucci mane proves how Icey he really is!!!Burrrrr!!!!!

As you all may or may not know. Gucci Mane has been recently released from the mental institute. He asked the judge at his previous court case to send him there to be evaluated because he felt crazy lol. Well after his release he got this God awful tattoo of an icecream cone on his face that says burrr!!!!LMAO!!!!!I don't know what is really going on in Gucci's head. I love Gucci to death. He was a cool person when I met and kicked it with him. This is not the Gucci I am use to seeing!!!Maybe he really is going crazy. I mean you have to be crazy to put something like that on you face right???Smh we all should take a moment and keep Gucci in out prayers. He must be on drugs!!!!!