Lastnight VH1 decided to give us a sneak peak of their new Reality Show entitltled "Love and Hip Hop". The show is like all the other Wive's show. It shows the real life issues of women who are in relationships with people in the hip hop industry. Unlike the Basketball Wives and Football Wives these girls seem to be a bit more Naive. It seems that the athlete wives are aware and can admit that their men are cheating and have jumpoffs, but these women are in denial and oblivious to the fact that their men are cheating and treat them like s**t. I will explain and break these girls down to you one by one. Here we go!!!!
Chrissy: Is the girlfriend of rapper Jim Jonez. This woman is off the hook. When I see her I think of a jealous girlfriend who should have prepared herself for this lifestyle knowing that he is a rapper and that he will have groupies. It really turned me off how she harrassess women who come into contact with Jim like WTF???? Who does this??? If you have to do all of that Chrissy then you need to just leave that man and find someone else, because obviously you can't deal with this life style. Another thing she did that turned me off was asking him to marry here. Like WTF??? If he wants you then he will propose. You look desperate and psycho as hell asking this man that after the way you act out in public and how he treats you. All I can do is smh at you Chrissy!!!!This is not how anyones wife is suppose to act. I can see if he was hot and had money but he's a broke bum. Come on honey do better. Go fight over a man with something better to offer you. Stop settling for the bs. Oan if you think your hotter than Somaya then ur on drugs!!!!!!!
Oliva: You may know her from G unit. She did the Candy shop and Bestfriend song with 50cent. She is on the show trying to make another album. I love Olivia she's very pretty and has a great voice. She's my favorite one of the show so far. I wish her well on her up and comming album.
Somya: Is a latin rapper who blew up off of myspace. Her role on the show is colaberating on a song with rapper Jim Jonez. Of course Chrissy hates this girl for no reason because all the woman wants to do is make a hit. From what I have heard on the show I don't personally like what Im hearing from her song wise. Maybe it was that one song but I will check her out on myspace and later on in the show to see if she can change my mind. Either way for now she seems cool to me. Just another female rapper out here trying to make it.
Mashonda: Is the ex wife of Swiss beats. She really isn't a main cast memeber she just hops in and out of the show because she is a friend of Emily. Fabulous's baby's mom. I like Mashonda. She has a little talk with Emily about her relationship with fab. With that she explained a little on how she felt about Swiss and Alicia Keys. That made me feel sooo sorry for her. I love you Mashonda, you too are one of my favs on the show. Keep your head up mama!!!!!
Emily: Is the baby mother of rapper Fabulous. I don't know if I like Emily because she is an absolute idiot. She expressed on the show that her and Fab have been together for a minute and they have a son. She is also his perosonal stylist. Thing is she says Fab never addresses her presences. He won't even let her walk on the Red carpet with him. He never mentions here and no one knows here. They know that Fab has a child but not with who. So basically he makes her feel like a nobody, but she wants this though. She may even like it. If she didn't then she wouldn't allow this to happen. Ain't know way in hell will I have a child with a man and he doesn't even acknowledge me as the mother of his child. I honestly think this girl is insecure and doesn't love herself because a person who did love themselves wouldn't live this way. She needs to go get some psychiatric help with this. Because if she keeps this up she will be leading down a road of a harsh reality check that she won't be able to handle. I do feel sorry for her but only she can get herself out of this. I pray for you Emily!!!!
In my honest opinon this show is ok. Chrissy is just a little too much for the show. I mean I'm not that impressed!!!When I think of love and hip hop I would think you would put people in the music industry on there that still mattered today. That would have made it hotter. So is this show hot or not. Well it was a sneak peak and I have to view the whole season before I make a decision, but for now. I would say this show is a NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Step it up nxt season with rappers who are climbing the charts now you know like Tiny and Toya!!!!I mean that show wasn't so hot either but TI and Lil Wayne are still relevant to the game today feel me????
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