It is rumored that Chad "Ochocinco" broke up with his recent fiance Evely Lozada who is one of the cast memebers of the hit reality show "Basketball Wives". It is said that the split was because the producers of Baskeball Wives wanted to push a wedding this season and he just wasn't ready for all that. Well Evelyn Karma is really a B*%ch huh???
My opinion on this is I knew they were both doing this to be tabloid whores!!!Who would honestly want to wife someone that is known to the world as a homewrecking whore????? Ocho smashed on the first night and she took him serious about marriage and kids? Smh at her!!!!!Another thing is he has how may kids and how many baby mothers??????? And he has not married not one of those. So ummm yea Evelyn the clues where there but I'm sure all you saw where dollar signs. I don't feel a least bit bad for her because Im sure she will be on a new athletes nuts soon. I just want Evelyn to answer me this!!! WHO'S THE NONE MOTHERFUCKIN FACTOR NOW BITCH????????LMAO!!!!!! And to Ocho I hope you didn't get this woman pregnant with your twins, because if you did I hope you know her money hungry ass will be after you with child support. And with all the kids you have I seriously doubt you would want that!!!!