It is said that Will is working on producing a new movie. The 1982 classical movie Annie.Of course Willow Smith will be Annie, and Jay Z will be playing the role of Daddy Warbuck's body guard Punjab. Instead of Punjab being from India like the original version he will be from Brooklyn. I can't wait to see the colaborations in this movie. I'm sure there are alot of other famous actresses and actors/rappers in the movie as well. Can't wait to see who. I love Annie!!Good luck Will, Willow and Jigga!!!I ♥ this!!!
This blog will discuss the do's and don'ts of the music industry. It will be my own personal view on albums if they are hot or not. As well as a few interview blogs with hot producers and hopefully rappers of Atl!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011
Will and Willow Smith remakes the movie Annie!!!!
It is said that Will is working on producing a new movie. The 1982 classical movie Annie.Of course Willow Smith will be Annie, and Jay Z will be playing the role of Daddy Warbuck's body guard Punjab. Instead of Punjab being from India like the original version he will be from Brooklyn. I can't wait to see the colaborations in this movie. I'm sure there are alot of other famous actresses and actors/rappers in the movie as well. Can't wait to see who. I love Annie!!Good luck Will, Willow and Jigga!!!I ♥ this!!!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
New Couple For The New Year:Rick Ross and Elise Neal
Actress Elise Neal, well known for her role in the Oscar nominated movie "Hustle and Flow" and actress on UPN's sitcome "All of Us" opposite Lisa Raye.Is now dating rapper Rick Ross. The new couple has been spotted on a few dinner dates in LA and have been looking quite cozy together. The couple is said to have met at the 2010 Soul Train Awards in Atlanta,Ga. I must admit. This is not a very attractive couple, and seem very odd together but if yall like it I love it!!!Congrats to the both of you!!!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Gucci mane proves how Icey he really is!!!Burrrrr!!!!!
As you all may or may not know. Gucci Mane has been recently released from the mental institute. He asked the judge at his previous court case to send him there to be evaluated because he felt crazy lol. Well after his release he got this God awful tattoo of an icecream cone on his face that says burrr!!!!LMAO!!!!!I don't know what is really going on in Gucci's head. I love Gucci to death. He was a cool person when I met and kicked it with him. This is not the Gucci I am use to seeing!!!Maybe he really is going crazy. I mean you have to be crazy to put something like that on you face right???Smh we all should take a moment and keep Gucci in out prayers. He must be on drugs!!!!!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
The Game Season 4!!!!The Wait is over, The Wait over!!!!!!
The season permier the world has been waiting for kicked off last night to a great start and yep you guest it "The Game". The game was brought back by BET which I have to admit I thought would totally ruin the show.Now I must apologize and give BET it's props because the first episode was Amazing!!!!The show had a few cameo's from:Terrence J from 106 and park who played Tasha Macks boy toy, Sheree from Atl housewives who played one of Terrence's Old flings,and Megan Goode who played the wife of Malik's boss who Malik is having an affair with.
The first episode of the game started off with Melanie giving Derwin's son Dj a Dna test behind Derwin and Janay's back!!!!The test turned out that Derwin was not the father. Later on in the episode Melanie got a call from the lab and found out that she got the wrong test results. Now Derwin thinks his son is not his and he really is. Malik has gone on some power trip in this season. His head has gotten even bigger and he even steps on his bff Tee Tee by messing with his girlfriend. Nevertheless Malik is screwin his boss's wife. Thats sooo wrong within itself. I hope Malik gets it together through the remainder of the season, because I am not feeling him right now!!!!Tasha Mack is still Tasha!!!She has a little boy toy now (Terrance from 106 and park)who may have an old woman fetish that just doesn't sit right with Tasha. While Jason Pitts remain cool as a fan, and Kelly is full of anger. Not sure if it's because of the divorce or for Tasha crossing her last season, but Ima need Kelly to calm it down as well!!!!
Now the big question of the world is "Was Melanie wrong for giving Dj the Dna Test???? Hmmmmm I say yes and no!!!!!Come on Ladies!!!Dnt be better than thou now. Put yourself in her shoes. You graduate highschool, Still in love and with your highschool bf, he gets drafted into the NFL, You have a scholorship to the best medical university in the world and you turn it down for this man. A man who sleeps with your idol. Gets a new gf(Janay)just to come and beg you back, then you take him back just to find out someone he wasn't with as long as you is pregnant. Now ladies you know you would feel some kinda way about this situation if you chose to stay with this man and marry him!!!You would wonder if that was his kid. You would probably accuse the girl of lying or it not being his child because the girl messed with alot of athletes in the past. Now your married and you wanna know. Yes Im sure you would give that child a DNA test and if you dn't you damn sure have thought about it. And those of you who are saying you would never are full of BS and I promise you that!!!I know I probably would have done the same thing! The only difference with me is I would have made sure the test was ran more than 1 time before I go spreading the results!!I do not feel what Melanie did was totally wrong because I am a female and I know how all females are and I know you would have done the same thing. Sorry Ladies Im just being real!!!!
So will Tasha and her boy toy stay together? Will Melanie tell Derwin the truth about his son? Is Malik and Tee Tee's friendship over? Well I guess we will find all of that out by staying tuned to watching the game on BET Tuesday Nights at 10pm!!!
If you have any comments don't be afraid to leave them!!!!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Bad Girls Club:Season 6 brings it back to LA!!!!!!
Last night kicked off the first episode of the new Season of Bad Girls Club in LA. The previous Season was in Miami. Not sure why it went back to LA.The show has 7 new girls from all over America!!!!The new Bad Girls are:Jessica(Chicago), Kori(Arizona), Jade(Wisconsin), Sydney(Texas), Lauren(Kentucky),Nikki(Jersy), and Char(Chicago). I have to admit I like all of these girls except 1. Nikki from Jersey. I don't like Nikki because she is a prankster and is too old to be doing pranks. Nikki is the kind of female that will watch her friends get they ass whipped and not do a thing. She think she is sooo hard because she is a female football player. Yes she looks like one as well. But I bet she is the type that can't back her shit up. Nikki instigated alot of Drama last night when Jade came in from the club drunk. Jade had to pee but they just got into the house so everyone else was on some meet and greet and Jade was looking for the bathroom drunk!!!!Nicki did try to greet her and Jade did push Nikki out of the way because she had to pee. Yes Jade that was rude and f'ed up but like I said Jade was drunk. Nikki just went ham after that and start harrassing Jade and pretty much everyone in the house. To me that is lame. Ok Jade was wrong to do what she did yes, but all of you are adults so brush that off and get over it. Nikki had no right to drag the whole thing out when everyone else had squashed it and let it go!!!!Since Nikki couldn't let things go. Things escalated in the house and Jade got fed up already on the first episode and left the show. I feel Jade shoulda stayed bc I be damned if I am labled to the world as a bad girl and let someone run me out the house. They knew exactly what was going to go down before they got there.So they should know how to address whatever comes their way!!!!Well it looks like there will be drama for the new roomate as well so stay tuned and check it out!!!!I really would like to see a female from ATL on the next seasons!!!You never know that female just might be me!!!!
Clip of Nikki and Jade getting into it
Regina King speaks out on The Houswives of Atl!!!
Regina King and Jackee' Harris was on "What's Happening Now"? A show that discuss what happens on The Housewives of Atl or any Housewife show on Bravo. I must say that Regina and Jackee' both were drunk during the show. So Im sure they were not their usual selves. Anywho the host of the show Andy, always has little games for the guest to play that is related to the Housewife show that they just watched. There were also some clips of the show for the guest(Regina King, and Jackee') to comment on. One particular clip was of Kim singing and of course Regina mocked Kim's smokey voice and admited that she could not sing. Things got even juicier when Andy had a game for then to play called"Sheree' or Jackee' where he stated some facts and Regina had to guess whether the fact was about Jackee' or Sheree'. One question leaned towards a question about dancing with the stars, and Regina made a comment stating"That must be Jackee' bc Sheree' can't dance. The next question was "Who said that they hope to get an Oscar one day"? And Regina replied Jackee' because Sheree' is out of her mind if she said that. When Regina found out it was in fact Sheree' said she hoped to get an Oscar one day she flipped!!!She was like God bless her!!!Haaaa!!!!
My opinion of this was the truth comes out when you are drunk. I don't think that Regina was hating or being rude or anything. She was just simply being honest about the questions she was asked!!!Kim can't sing, and Sheree' isn't that bad of a dancer to me but hey who am I. I agree it may have been a slap in Regina's face for Sheree' to even state she wanted to win an Oscar because she isn't that great of an actress compared to someone like Regina so I feel where Regina was coming from with that. If you have any comments don't be afraid to speak your mind!!!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Update:Lil Wayne and Young Money tweets abt the lightskin is beautiful blogs!!!
Yesterday I had wrote a blog on Lil Wayne and Young Money being very rude due to the color of these two darkskinned models. The models said that Lil Wayne and Young Money keep having rude color remarks how black isn't beautiful unless the female is light skinned. Well I guess Lil Wayne and Young Money caught wind of the blogs. They posted a few tweets about it letting us bloggers know that they caught wind. MackMaine tweeted: that he had read the funniest blog today and he wants everyone to know that me and the fam I assume Young Money is color blind. If they say a female is beautiful she's beautiful. Lil Wayne tweeted: Rumors or as dumb as the people who believe them and we know he didn't say that shit!!!
Well hmmmm Lil Wayne first off It is Rumors ARE as dumb not or first of all and secondly I dnt know if you said that shit or not. You say alot of shit that I don't think you would say. So how do I know that this is not one of those times????I hope you didn't say that shit about your daughter!!!!But the other ignorance you were talking was on you. How you gone say we know you didn't say that when you did rap it? You have rapped that shit twice from what I have heard with my own ears. First was the shit you probably said to those girls which was "Beautiful Black Woman, I bet that bitch look better red." Or how about your world famous line "I like a longed hair thick red bone"????Not to mention that you do have an Asian baby mom, the rest of your baby moms are red umm ex Nivea, Lauren London.So yes Lil Wayne I do believe you said that sh*t! Sorry love me or hate me. Im just stating facts and not bullsh*t!!!!! So if you consider me dumb for believing what the women are sayin the Im one dumb bitch then and I will be that!!!!!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Lil Wayne:Beautiful Black Woman, I bet that bitch look better red.
I was a Lil Wayne/Young Money fan until I read this on According to them there were three young models that just left a photoshoot and ended up hanging out with Lil Wayne and a few memebers from Young Money afterwards. One of the girls was a light skinned chick and the rest were dark. As the two dark girls entered the room a Young Money memeber said yall are beautiful to be dark girls. I assume the females brushed that off until Lil Wayne came in color bashing them. He went on by saying "Beautiful Black Woman, I bet that bitch look better red".Which is a lyric to one of his songs. Smh!!!!Like totally WTF????The two dark models immediately got offended of course. So one of the girls said to him. "Wayne your daughter is dark(Reginae)so why would you say that ignorance?"He retorted with "My daughter is a dark skinned Millionaire and thats the difference between you and her". He also went on by saying "My daughter is the first and last dark skinned child I have, the rest of my baby moms light skin chicks, I even got an asian baby moms to make sure I have a daughter with good hair, too bad we had a son”. By then they had pissed the models off and they stormed out of the room. As they left a Young Money member came out yelling “not everybody hate dark skin girls Young Money just allergic to Chocolate”.Of course that led to a nice curse out!!!
All I have to say about this is that I am very disappoineted!!This color thing has gone on for years with slavery. Im hated because I am that light skinned thick red bone that these rappers are rapping about. Im hated because I have a mixed race. I am hated because Im not dark. And why? Because the Industry, American Society, and others are still making it seem like being black is wrong. Well let me tell yall something take that up with God. He made me this color and he made everyone the color that they are. Just because you are light doesn't make you right, just because your black doesn't make you bad or ugly!!There are beautiful women in each race and I feel we all should realize that. Its funny how black people always wanna talk about slavery and what the white man did to us when we do it to ourselves. This really makes me mad I have lost all respect for lil wayne and I refuse to support him and his ignorance!!!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Keri Hilson takes it back to Dream Girls?????
Keri Hilson performed last night on the Dave Letterman show and she performed imitating Diana Ross and the Suprise. I don't quite understand her reason though. She also imitated the whole thing first in her "Pretty Girls Rocks" video. Where she also channeled Beyonce, TLC, Josophine Baker and more. I never really liked this girl, but I do like her music. Now I see why I don't like her. First off she doesn't have her own swag. She Jocks everyone from Ciara, Beyonce, Janet, and others. Who is Keri???That's what I wanna know. I could never connect to her because I feel she's fake and she prolly doesn't have the slightest clue who she is at all.I feel she is very arrogant for no reason. She really acts as if she is the Nicki Minaj or R&B, but Im sorry Keri your just not that hot yet!!
Take for instance Beyonce did the whole supremes thing twice!!!The first was a magazine spread for rolling stone a few years back. Beyonce and Destiny's Child photographed as the supremes. Again in 2006 Beyonce played Deena in "Dream Girls" A movie channeling the life of the supremes. So no Keri we do not wanna see your ass as Diana or anyone else that has got some fame for their ideas. Get your own ideas. Don't repeat others because its pretty boring and predictable because we have seen it before. Get your own swag the I can really respect you!!!! For those who think Im hating!!!I will LMAO @ U!!!It's a difference between hating and being honest. And I'm being honest!!!All this came from facts and not just out of my ass!!!
Monday, January 3, 2011
BEEF:Lil Kim & Mary J vs. Nicki Minaj & Keyshia Cole. Who's side are you on???
And the beef continues but it is continuously getting outrageous!!!!According to Lil Kim gave a NYE perfomance at Hippodrome in Springfield, Mass.While performing Kim stopped in her performing tracks just to announce the recent beef she has going on with Nicki. She also wanted to throw Mary J in this beef.Who I assumed wanted no parts in any ones drama. I mean that is her motto "No more Drama!!!!Poor lil Keyshia Cole got thrown in this madness as well. Lil Kim is obviously upset about Keyshia Cole's new song feat Nicki and decided to decode the Lyrics to make them about her once again!!! Kim goes on by saying."I think this bitch has a song about me and my queen Mary J with Keyshia Cole. We are goin to eat these bitches alive and erase their fucking socials. Im not playing with this bitch in 2011"!!!!!Wow Kim that was harsh but yet a bit childish.If I may, I dnt recall the song sayin a thing about you or Mary J. I honestly feel Lil Kim and Mary J are too old to even be entertaining this shit. They both need to sit the hell down go get some kids, and raise them. Why can't you go in on they ass yourself Kim???Why do you need Mary to be your hype man??Y are you making up shit and dragging other people in it? Just messy.
All I have to say to Kim is........Kim, Nicki is a child compared to you. A CHILD!!!! She may have had a few slick shots at you, then ok be mad!!!But this is then industry. Your going to get shot at you from time to time. Let it go Kim Let it go. Its not by any means making you look hot. Its only making you look even more one hit wonderish, and it's starting to prove how pathetic you really are!!!This beef won't up any album sales honey!!!Sorry but Nicki kinda does have the rap game on lock right now.I dnt think she's making it better for any female rapper right now!!!So just give it up!!!!!You should put all this effort you have to beef into making a great album and stop trying to get rich by beefing with Nicki!!!
So will there be a Lil Kim and Mary J vs Nicki and Keyshia beef battle??? Well I dnt know about that yet,but if there will be that will be just a damn shame. Smh!!!!!!
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