As we all know Harold Camping predicted that the world would end on Saturday May 21,2011. And as we all know that did not happen. We are all here and breathing. The biggest thing I don't understand is how he got all of his followers to follow him and give up their families, houses,jobs, and money. Now if we look closely at the word occult it is when someone convinces you of a belief to the point where you give up everything to follow the leader who brainwashed you with false biblical beliefs. Now some would say that he is a false prophet. I would say so to a certain extent. He did use the bible to predict Judgement Day he claims. He used a mathimatical theory to come to this assumption. Now I had a few people argue with me by saying they didnt believe Noah either. My thing with that is Noah heard a voice from the Lord but still wasn't given a specific day of which the world would end. He also didn't use Math to predict it either.
I am honestly shocked at some of these people. It clearly states in the bible that not even Jesus knows when he will return. It also warns us of false prophecies of his comming. But yet people fell for it. How did this man have so much mind control over all of these people. Even people who didnt follow him still thought of some truth to his prediction. And I must say that is just pure ignorance of your knowledge of the bible and some of you should really be ashamed!!!!! I saw people posted outside of churches in a tent for days waiting for the Lord to come, and that is just sad!!! To decieve people that way. His followers lost everything listining to this man.
People waiting on the Lord
By reading other blogs and other peoples comments on this whole thing I see alot of people don't really have sympathy for those who gave up everything and to a certain degree I have to agree. I mean these are grown adults here. They should have known better than to give up everything to a man who has predicted the same scenario a few times before. I understand that the poor people were brainwashed. But I believe if you truly are christian and know the Lord and your bible you wouldn't fall for such foolishness!!
In all honesty I don't believe Camping is a false prophet. I believe he is a scam artist. He has done this before. Made millions off of this before. If he truly believed the world was going to end He would have invested all of his money into this instead of only putting up half of it! I honestly feel he conjured this whole thing up just to take these people's money. Mighty funny he is nowhere to be found right now!!If anyone ever finds out where he is I feel he should go to jail for some kind of fraud. He took lives away, and possibly turned alot of people against God. He should be punished here on earth and in HELL!!!!!
Only thing left to say now is Im truly sorry to the people who lost everything following this idiot,but always trust GOD and his word before you ever trust man. Because the only place man can lead you is to hell never heaven!!!This is a great example of not being able to contrast reality from religion. It's fine to be religious and go all out for what you believe in. But when you start investing things in reality (money,families,and houses)because of your religion then you are not thinking clearly. Any man who tells you you have to give up those thing is not of God!!!!